quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012

Outra vez a Grécia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

foto/Facebook/Occupy for Animals

Os pobres burros que você vê nesta imagem será alimento para mais de 30 leões no Zoológico de Alexandria.

Eles são apertados em um recinto tão pequeno, que mal podem mover.
Asinar petições:

Por favor, para os animais os zoológicos governamentais de Egpyt - sinal de pico & compartilhar as petições:

1) Petition to Egpypt's president:

2) Petition to the authorities:

a) http://www.change.org/petitions/egypt-close-down-all-7-governmental-zoos-that-are-nothing-less-than-hell-holes#

b) http://www.thepetitionsite.com/786/840/821/rescue-animals-in-eygpt-zoos/

3) Unchain the old elephants:

4) the petition to CITES:

5) petition against the private zoos

PLEASE sign these petitions. The animals who are imprisoned in the governmental zoos of Egypt depend on you, the good people who will speak up for them.

Thank you ♡

For more information about the sad situation in the governmental zoos, including pictures, videos, media and meeting reports, please see our website:
— com Paola Pecora, Sophie Pips, Hatem Moushir, Pia Berrend, Priya Tuli e Dina Zulfikar.

Chega de ignorância, o mundo está saturado

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