Podemos juntos escrever para a África do Sul?
Com cópia para a organização dos direitos animais africana que está fortemente empenhada em por FIM em tamanha monstruosidade.
POR FAVOR, participem. É super rápido. Basta copiar, colar e enviar diretamente do seu e-mail pessoal.
Enviar seu e-mail para:
sholomisa@parliament.gov.z a,
com cópia para:
info@animalrightsafrica.or g
Alguns títulos possíveis, como sugestão para quem não escreve em inglês: Ukweshwama Ritual conquers enemies all over the world, We are watching you: say NO to such horrendous cruelty, Your country is under heavy boycott internationally, Enough is enough, Barbarians: how can you count with our help and friendship?, You insult me with your actions, I take this matter as a personal issue, etc.
Carta-modelo em inglês:
Dear Sirs,
I would like to express my deep regret about learning of an extreme case of animal cruelty conducted every year during the First Fruits Festival of Ukweshwama, which takes place in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Public awareness of this savage ritual involving the killing of a bull by men with their bare hands is quickly spreading worldwide. Networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook, and media sites are exposing this practice and, needless to say, an ensuing back lash against this savagery is also growing.
I am certain there are many Ngunis also outraged by the allowance of such regressive practice.
Contrary to what many believe, animals are thinking, sentient, intelligent creatures and suffer tremendously with cruel treatment, just as humans do. There is NO doubt about that:
http://fcmconference.org/ img/ CambridgeDeclarationOnConsc iousness.pdf
Cruelty against them has been found to harm society as a whole, normalising insensitivity in children who can become numb to the suffering of living beings, and increasing violence towards other humans. Foreigners who experience or come to see this brutality in your country will leave traumatized, disgusted, and deeply saddened, rather than uplifted by Africa’s paradoxical beauty and friendliness.
I urge you to end the violent Ukweshwama ritual and move towards progression to a truly peaceful country, by encouraging respect and appropriate treatment towards animals, as outlined in Animals Protection Act, Act 71 of 1962) section 2(a).
Globally ideas concerning animal rights are becoming more popular by the day, and until such time as animal welfare laws are enforced in Africa, it will be necessary to many to boycott your country __ both as a tourist and via commerce as well.
We will strongly encourage others to participate in a boycott as well.
For a country which struggled for so long to be recognized and freed from apartheid, I guess you are walking back the past, to a point where you will again considered enemy from foreign cultures.
You have the choice. We will NOT accept this in silence.
You had promised to stop such hedious cruelty before World Cup. You did not follow your own word.
It is still time for you to reconsider and conquer our friendship and support.
(seu nome e país)
Com cópia para a organização dos direitos animais africana que está fortemente empenhada em por FIM em tamanha monstruosidade.
POR FAVOR, participem. É super rápido. Basta copiar, colar e enviar diretamente do seu e-mail pessoal.
Enviar seu e-mail para:
com cópia para:
Alguns títulos possíveis, como sugestão para quem não escreve em inglês: Ukweshwama Ritual conquers enemies all over the world, We are watching you: say NO to such horrendous cruelty, Your country is under heavy boycott internationally, Enough is enough, Barbarians: how can you count with our help and friendship?, You insult me with your actions, I take this matter as a personal issue, etc.
Carta-modelo em inglês:
Dear Sirs,
I would like to express my deep regret about learning of an extreme case of animal cruelty conducted every year during the First Fruits Festival of Ukweshwama, which takes place in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Public awareness of this savage ritual involving the killing of a bull by men with their bare hands is quickly spreading worldwide. Networking sites such as YouTube and Facebook, and media sites are exposing this practice and, needless to say, an ensuing back lash against this savagery is also growing.
I am certain there are many Ngunis also outraged by the allowance of such regressive practice.
Contrary to what many believe, animals are thinking, sentient, intelligent creatures and suffer tremendously with cruel treatment, just as humans do. There is NO doubt about that:
Cruelty against them has been found to harm society as a whole, normalising insensitivity in children who can become numb to the suffering of living beings, and increasing violence towards other humans. Foreigners who experience or come to see this brutality in your country will leave traumatized, disgusted, and deeply saddened, rather than uplifted by Africa’s paradoxical beauty and friendliness.
I urge you to end the violent Ukweshwama ritual and move towards progression to a truly peaceful country, by encouraging respect and appropriate treatment towards animals, as outlined in Animals Protection Act, Act 71 of 1962) section 2(a).
Globally ideas concerning animal rights are becoming more popular by the day, and until such time as animal welfare laws are enforced in Africa, it will be necessary to many to boycott your country __ both as a tourist and via commerce as well.
We will strongly encourage others to participate in a boycott as well.
For a country which struggled for so long to be recognized and freed from apartheid, I guess you are walking back the past, to a point where you will again considered enemy from foreign cultures.
You have the choice. We will NOT accept this in silence.
You had promised to stop such hedious cruelty before World Cup. You did not follow your own word.
It is still time for you to reconsider and conquer our friendship and support.
(seu nome e país)
— com Paulo Roberto Souza,Luiz Henrique Araujo, Cristina Reis, Lúcia Calabria,Maria Cristina Cristina Lessa, Sylvie Neyret, Patricia El-moor, Wania McCartney, Marcio Lupi, Suzy Bernard, Silvia Veg, Rosarinho Rangel, Geuza Leitãoe Janine Guido.